Compliance and Tax Planning
Our work in the Compliance area aims to help our clients achieve high standards of integrity, risk management and legal compliance in their organization. With extensive experience in the area, we can assist in the formulation of policies and procedures that can bring enormous benefits to the organization, in addition to reducing the risk of punishment for non-compliance with the law.
We also provide legal consultancy for contractual compliance clauses, to reduce the risk of corruption and other illicit acts.
We also assist those companies that have relationships with markets that require high compliance, including in the supply chain, such as the United States and the European Union.
Anti-Corruption Compliance
We provide consultancy for the formulation of programs or policiescompliance anti-corruption, including integrity standards, Codes of Conduct, among others.
Compliance and Tax Planning
We help our clients to formulate policies and procedures appropriate to the tax rules to which they are subject, including in the scope of tax regulations. International.
Digital Compliance
We contribute to the development ofcompliance in data protection, in compliance with the LGPD or other international standards that deal with technology and digital world topics.
Formulation of Policies and Codes of Conduct
We advise our clients in formulating specific policies for their businesses, such as Process Management Policies, Internal Policies, among others.